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Labelle Deesse Botanica

7 Day White Refill Candle (No Glass)

Regular price $7.95 USD
Regular price Sale price $7.95 USD

Product Description

Elevate your spiritual journey with our 7 Day White Refill candle, meticulously crafted to promote good health, cleansing, purity, and truth. This candle serves as a vessel of divine energy, enabling you to embark on a transformative experience of self-reflection and renewal.

Designed specifically for use with our 7 Day Pull Out glass, the White Refill candle offers versatility and customization. With its removable slug and reversible wick, you have the freedom to carve and prepare the candle according to your unique intentions and aspirations.

Crafted from 100% paraffin wax, this refill candle ensures a steady and consistent burn, radiating a pure and luminous white light throughout its 7-day cycle. Measuring 2 1/2" wide and 7 1/2" tall, it embodies the perfect balance between form and functionality.

As you prepare to engage with the White Refill candle, set aside a sacred space where you can immerse yourself in its transformative energy. Clear the area of any distractions and create an atmosphere of serenity and tranquility.

Take a moment to ground yourself and centre your intentions. Connect with the energy of the candle, visualizing its white flame as a beacon of purity and truth. Allow its light to penetrate your being, illuminating the depths of your soul and guiding you towards a state of optimal well-being.

During the 7 days of burning, infuse the candle with your intentions for good health, cleansing, purity, and truth. Envision the white light permeating every aspect of your existence, purifying your mind, body, and spirit. Invite divine guidance and support in your pursuit of physical and spiritual well-being.

As the candle burns, engage in practices that enhance your overall health and vitality. Nourish your body with wholesome foods, hydrate yourself with pure water, and engage in activities that promote physical and mental well-being. Take time for self-care, rest, and rejuvenation.

In moments of meditation and introspection, allow the white flame to become a focal point for clarity and truth. Reflect on your thoughts, beliefs, and patterns of behaviour, inviting the cleansing energy of the candle to release any negativity or stagnant energy within you. Embrace the transformative power of truth and align your actions with your authentic self.

As the candle approaches its completion, express gratitude for the purification and renewal it has brought into your life. Offer your prayers and intentions to the divine forces that govern purity and truth, expressing appreciation for their presence and guidance.

With the conclusion of the 7-day cycle, carry the essence of the White Refill candle within you. Let its energy continue to inspire your pursuit of good health, cleansing, purity, and truth. Embrace the wisdom gained during this journey and integrate it into your daily life, making choices that align with your highest self.

May the White Refill candle be a source of divine illumination, promoting your well-being, and guiding you towards a life of purity and truth. May its radiant flame continue to inspire your spiritual growth and transformation.