Saint Jacques
St Jacque’s escorts:
Ossanye, Nago, Saint George, Ogou Balendjio, Ogou Balize, Ogou Johnson, Ogou Badagri, Jean Paul Nago, Brize, Ogou Ge Rouge, Joseph Danger
St Jack and Ogou are celebrated on the 25th of July. A big day in Haitian vodou and in la plaine du nord in Au cap Haiti. it’s one of the most popular pilgrimage for vodouisants.
St Jack is a god of war. He is able to help us fight in any battles in our lives, pray to him for strength and courage. He’s married to maitress Erzuli Freda, and his day is Wednesday.
His color: Red and Khaki
His offering:
Army hat, sword, cigar, red and blue scarf, red cinzano, red bull, goat and rooster. St jack is the owner of labelle deesse sr’s head in the nago’s escorts, we serve st jack majer he’s extremely important in the temple.
A song:
St. Jack oh vini ouem moin gason lager St Jack Majeur wa passé ouem moin gason lager St. Jack oh vini ouem moin gason lager Arochan nago
St Jack oh vini ouem moin gason lager St Jack Majeur wa passé ouem moin gason lager St. Jack oh vini ouem moin gason lager Arochan nago Ayi bobo!!