Legba (Saint Lazarre)

Color: yellow and purple

Escort: rada and petro

In vodou legba atibon, papa legba, legba ti yanyan, vye legba, legba zaou, legba nan petro (go thru petro page)is the first spirit to be saluted in a ceremony grand chemin leads the way thru to legba.

His the gate opener / the key holder of all the doors that leads to the spirits world in haitian vodou he is one of the main lwas. He is the cross roads between the visible and the invisible worlds he is the one to open the doors for the spirits to come thru when they are called upon and has the power to stop or remove all obstacles in our path, he opens doors for opportunities he is one of the most widely served lwa/ orisha.

Legba has his origins with the fon people of dahomey (benin) africa well where else could he come from after all, all haitians are decendants of africans, in africa he is known as trickster god of language and destiny, he still play the same role the guardian of the crossroads and entrances he is also known by several names in brasil he is known as exu, santeria as elegua in haitian vodou as papa legba, in greek mythology hermes, lukumi elegua, the personal messenger from the humans to the spirits.

Altars to legba are usually erected indoors near the entrance of the home, in a ceremony once reached in legba sugar cane syrup is poured from the main entrance thru the drum, poto mitan, houfor. In possessions legba don’t take too much of your strenght or energy his slow when his mounting but not brutal.

In catholic church it’s St Lazarus

Offering: small djakout, pipe, tobacco, crutch or cane, dogs, bottle of klairin or vodka, cui, broil plantain, salted fish, sweet potato, sugar cane syrup, cigar. A small white plate with coffe and sugar.

Legba is a humble lwa, he is one of the best spirits there is, simple kind, wise, intelligent, calm, and he is not complicated at all wonderful loa, a grand father figure to us all he has the answers to all the questions.

A song for legba:

Alegba ou se van
Pouse n ale, nou se papiyon na pote nouvel ba yo!
Alegba atibon ou se van pousse nale
Nou se papiyon, na pote nouvel ba yo!
Tou sa ki di byen an,je n la e!
Tou sa ki di mal la je n la e!
Alegba atibon ou se van pousse n ale
Nou se papiyon na pote nouvel ba yo!
Alegba atibon ou se van pousse n ale!
Nou se papiyon na pote nouvel ba yo!

2nd song:

Yo pran papa legba yo metel nan barie
Yo pran granne erzuli yo metel ladan kay
lapli tonbe te a glisse la pli tonbe te a glisse la
le ya besoin legba ya mache deye li
Yo pran papa legba yo metel nan barie
Yo pran granne erzuli yo metel ladan kay
lapli tonbe te a glisse la pli tonbe te a glisse la
le ya besoin legba ya mache deye li
Yo pran papa legba yo metel nan barie
Yo pran granne erzuli yo metel ladan kayv
lapli tonbe te a glisse la pli tonbe te a glisse la
le ya besoin legba ya mache deye li



 Grand Chemin
Legba Nan Petro
Marassa Petro
Danbalah La Flambeau
Grand Bois
Simbi Macaya
Bossou 3 Cone
Ti Zantor
Ti Quita
Gade Anminan
Erzulie Dantor
Erzulie Mapiangue
Erzulie Balianne
Erzulie Yeux Rouge
Erzulie La Flambeau
Erzulie Wangol