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Labelle Deesse Botanica

Gold Magnetic Sand

Regular price $3.95 USD
Regular price Sale price $3.95 USD

Product Description

Discover the mystical power of Gold Magnetic Sand, also known as lodestone food, and incorporate it into your magical practices to enhance the potency of your spellwork, charms, gris-gris bags, and other forms of magic.

Gold Magnetic Sand is specially crafted to "feed" and empower lodestones, which are believed to possess strong magnetic properties and attract positive energies. As you engage with this sacred substance, you tap into its magnetic force to amplify the intentions of your spiritual work.

To use Gold Magnetic Sand, simply sprinkle a small amount onto your lodestones, infusing them with renewed energy and magnetism. As the sand adheres to the lodestones, envision it as a nourishing and activating force, awakening their inherent power to attract your desired outcomes.

In addition to feeding lodestones, Gold Magnetic Sand can also be utilized to dress candles, enhancing their energetic influence during candle magic rituals. Simply roll the candle in the sand, coating it with the magnetic particles, and visualize the sand acting as a magnet, drawing in the energies aligned with your intentions.

Furthermore, you can incorporate Gold Magnetic Sand into your spell bags or gris-gris bags by placing a pinch of the sand inside. This infusion adds an extra layer of magnetic energy to your personal talisman, amplifying its power to manifest your desires.

Remember, the key to utilizing Gold Magnetic Sand effectively lies in your intentions and visualization. As you work with this sacred substance, focus your mind on the specific outcomes you seek to attract, allowing the magnetic properties of the sand to align with your desires.

Please note that Gold Magnetic Sand is a tool within the realm of magic and spirituality and should be used with respect and understanding. It is essential to conduct your spiritual practices in alignment with your highest intentions and in harmony with universal laws.

Embrace the enchanting qualities of Gold Magnetic Sand and invite its magnetic force to enhance and elevate your magical workings. May it serve as a catalyst for manifestation, drawing positive energies and aligning you with the desires of your heart.