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Labelle Deesse Botanica

7 Day Scented Patchouli candle

Regular price $8.95 USD
Regular price Sale price $8.95 USD

Product Description

Ignite the enchanting aroma of love and attraction with our 7 Day Scented Patchouli candle. Crafted with utmost care and dedication, this candle is designed to amplify your magnetism and draw love into your life.

With dimensions of 2 1/2" wide and 8 1/4" tall, this exquisite candle is made from 100% paraffin wax, ensuring a long-lasting burn time of approximately 140 hours. As the flame dances upon the wick, it releases the captivating scent of patchouli, creating an alluring atmosphere that enhances your aura and allure.

Immerse yourself in the captivating essence of patchouli as you ignite the candle's flame. Let its aromatic embrace awaken your senses and evoke feelings of passion, desire, and romantic attraction. The warm, earthy notes of patchouli serve as a magnetic force, drawing love and positive connections towards you.

During the seven days of burning, set your intentions for love and attraction. Visualize the kind of love you desire, whether it be a new romantic partner, deepening an existing relationship, or fostering self-love and acceptance. Harness the power of the Patchouli candle to amplify your intentions and create a welcoming energy field that resonates with love.

Find a serene space to place the candle, away from any flammable objects, and ensure it is in a stable position. Create a sacred ambiance where you can connect with the essence of attraction and love drawing. As you light the candle, invite the energy of love to surround you, infusing your aura with irresistible magnetism.

Allow the flickering flame to symbolize the flame of passion and desire within you. Embrace your own worthiness and openness to receive love. Release any blocks or limiting beliefs that may hinder your ability to attract love into your life. Trust in the universe to align you with the right person or experiences that resonate with your desires.

As the Patchouli candle burns, bask in its captivating scent and let it remind you of your own inner beauty and allure. Embrace your unique qualities and radiate confidence and self-love. Believe in the power of attraction and know that you are deserving of the love you seek.

Let the energy of the Patchouli candle permeate your being, attracting love, and creating harmonious connections. Be open to the opportunities and synchronicities that arise during this time. Trust in the process and remain receptive to the love that flows towards you.

Embrace the transformative power of our 7 Day Scented Patchouli candle and allow it to enhance your magnetism and draw love into your life. Embody the essence of attraction and create a magnetic field of love that captivates and entices.

Illuminate your path with the seductive aroma of Patchouli and watch as love and connection manifest in your life. Embrace the richness of this experience and allow the Patchouli candle to be a catalyst for deepening relationships, kindling new romances, and cultivating self-love.

Embrace the power within and let the Patchouli candle be your guide on the journey towards love, attraction, and meaningful connections. Radiate love from within and magnetize love into your life with the captivating scent of Patchouli.